Blackwhile is specialized in brand design, visual identities and editorial fashion.

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I support you in the creation of unique universes to lead your future brand to success.

Marianna Di Palma

Graphic designer and art director focusing on visual communication and digital experience.

Blackwhile is recommended for any brand strategy project, naming, logo and visual identity creation, graphic charter, brand book, advertising campaign, website models, cinema posters, or more. I have been supporting and working for 5 years with advertising, marketing and digital agencies to meet their creative needs or strengthen their internal team. I offer my Art Direction expertise for the creation of campaigns and Print and Digital communication tools with a strong emotional impact.

The creation of a visual identity must be thought out. Creating a visual identity means thinking about its subsequent deployment. I'm not a fan of the "minute logo". The idea can sometimes spring quickly but not its graphic representation: the elements, the colors, the smallness of the logo once reduced or conversely its presence on a large format, its print or digital representation, or the animation which can to derive from it, are essential bases of the design of a logo. Your visual identity must lead to an original brand universe, specific to your company. This requires mutual reflection between you and us to create the DNA of your brand.